Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Student, CS Minor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A comprehensive portfolio of my work
Procedurally-Generated Mosaic Puzzle for ME 458 course. Leverages ML-assisted depth mapping and cutting-edge CAD software.
Group Project for ME 371 course. Designed "core" of sandwiched acrylic bushings that constrain two gears.
Group Project for ME 370 course. Created enclosed gearbox and a linkage-based motion system.
Bulldozer for Engineering Open House showcase. Includes printed gears and special attention to tread/belt tensioning.
Group Project for ME 270 course. Includes a print-in-place mousetrap catapult and rack-and-pinion implementation.
Prototype drive system with independently-controlled rotational and translational capabilities.
Torquing tool for solar car spindle. Uses two shear-resistant press-fit pins and a protruding core to restrict alignment.
An extended collection of projects I've worked on in the past, including for my robotics team and in personal endeavors.